Janice Issitt                    Life and Style

travel, interiors, photography, home, crafts, personal style

10 Mar 2017

Meet The Macrame Maker

I've always held the belief that artistic people are multi-faceted, that this side of the brain can be responsible for music and art, dance and craft. My friends from 'way back' are no exception, many of them were in a successful singing group yet now, on top of being mothers, are entrepreneurs in the fields of home furnishings and clothing.

Nicole Frobusch is one such lady, having had her own children's clothing label, and organising a trade show for small independents in that field, she is also passionate about her spirituality, reiki and natural therapies, and her home reflects her eye for textiles.

Based in London with her two beautiful daughters and a menagerie of cats, rabbit and one mahoosive dog, Nicole is now turning her hand to macrame and tribal influenced wall art.  Taking a lot of her vibe from native American Indians, and the Indians on the other side of the globe, the pieces, available on Etsy, are more than just a nice thing to hang on the wall.

The wool is hand dyed using natural colours, turmeric and beetroot for example. Some have crystals and stones attached which have been collected by Nicole on her travels.  These pieces are woven with love. There are good positive vibes tied into these knots.

You can find these works at Bird Tribe Wall Art on Etsy, and there you will see the influences behind the pieces.  The ones on hoops are titled 'earth, fire, water and air' and you may be interested that she also let's you know what Horoscope sign they relate to.

Some of the hangings have cleansed crystals attached, which will attract peace, balance and Love to your home environment.

Although we are late to the party, I also want to congratulate Joanne Hawker on her hashtag prompt for March - Meet The Maker.
You can find the illustrator over at http://www.joannehawker.co.uk/, where she has a prompt for every day of March, it's such a great idea.

For the full range of Bird Tribe Wall Art go to https://www.etsy.com/uk/people/birdtribewallart1

Over on instagram we are gifting one of these beautiful pieces to the chosen winner of March #BeHomeFree so get tagging your pics for a chance to win one.

And this, below, is the actual one you can win, so get tagging and don't forget to follow @birdtribewallart 

Coming soon - what to pack for an early sunshine getaway and how to create the French Style in your home.

Love and bunnies from Janice, wishing you a happy peaceful home.
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