Janice Issitt                    Life and Style

travel, interiors, photography, home, crafts, personal style

19 May 2016

Jungle on the table

This month's topic for the Urban Jungle Bloggers is showing plants as a table centerpiece or decoration, what a good idea so long as it's your shorter plants, after all, we want to see our guests through the jungle don't we?

 I don't think I would have thought of doing this as an actual thing if Igor and Judith hadn't chosen it as a styling prompt. Flowers are pretty and obvious, but considering I usually keep a few of my plant gang on the dining table anyway, it wasn't too much of a stretch to the imagination. 

I don't really find myself entertaining too much,  so the table setting is purely for me, with my planty friends of course and a few cats at my ankles. As I'm not much of a cook, and I work from home, If Im meeting with friends I like to go out for a change of scene.  However, one really should make an effort as much as possible, and so even when it's just a simple salad or breakfast eggs, it's more inviting to eat at the table when its decorated with flowers or plants.

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