So I've made my lists of tasks and started to experiment a bit, with some whimsy, and whether it's a hit or a failure, everything you do is a learning experience anyway. Embracing the lack of light, the low levels of the sun and revelling in the dimly lit, has been quite a fascination of mine for sometime now so I'm really enjoying this module and the camaraderie of working with a group.
Bloggers and the self employed spend a lot of time on their own and everyone will have their peaks and troughs of motivation, so a good way to combat this is to use whatever community you can to bolster yourself up and share your doubts.
So if you fancy a treat for yourself then have a look around at some online tutorials or books with tasks and tips. As I've mentioned, Me & Orla (Sara Tasker)has photography and instagram based modules but if you fancy a book of winter motivation and lovely craft, then check out "Making Winter" by Emma Mitchell (also known as Silver Pebble).
And so, Christmas is suddenly upon us, it seemed to creep up really quickly this year, and although mine seems to get quieter every year, I'm fine with that. I like the specials on the tv and Christmas movies, some extra special foodie treats of calories that I don't normally allow myself, and a cozy old time in general with lots of candles and fairy lights.
Sending you all lots of love and best wishes, and if you are on your own over the holidays then message me on instagram or twitter any time if you want to chat. Love and peace x